January 12, 2016 UPDATE: The information below is preserved for archive purposes. The districting process is now complete.
The most important voice in this process is yours!
A major focus of districting is drawing boundaries that respect neighborhood borders. And the best definition of a neighborhood is 'whatever the people who live there say are their neighborhood borders.' So the City Council is asking you to share your thoughts on the borders of your neighborhood, and on every other element of this districting project.
Share your thoughts at a Meeting
As with any issue before the City Council, you can attend a forum, testify at a hearing, and / or encourage the Council to vote yes or no on any part of this process by simply coming to any of the public meetings on this topic (schedule posted here).
Share your thoughts in Writing
You do not have to wait for a meeting to weigh in: you can call, email or write to the Council with your thoughts at any time:
Buena Park City Clerk
6650 Beach Boulevard, First Floor
Buena Park, CA 90622
Phone: (714) 562-3754
Fax: (714) 562-3506
E-mail: stilton@buenapark.com
Any thoughts you share with the City Clerk will be shared with the City's demographic consultant and with the entire City Council.
Draw your own Map
Districting is an unusual issue: instead of simply urging the Council to vote yes or no on a given map, with Districting you can take the next step and draw and submit your preferred map for the Council to consider. Use any of the handy tools the City's demographic consultant has prepared to draw and submit your plan, or simply draw your map on any handy map or sheet of paper and send it in. Every map received, in any format, will be processed by the City's demographic consultant and presented to the Council, complete with professional map and full demographic analysis, for its consideration.
Ask your Questions
City Staff and the City's demographic consultant is available to answer any questions you have about the process; the schedule; the draft plans; or how to draw your own plan. You can reach City Staff at the Clerk's contact information above. And you can reach the demographic consultant by any of the following methods:
Douglas Johnson and Justin Levitt, National Demographics Corporation
PO Box 5271, Glendale, CA 91221
Phone: 909-624-1442
Fax: 818-254-1221
Email: djohnson@NDCresearch.com
Or send in your question or comment using the form below: